
Forefront T – Better Weed Control – Better Grazing
Forefront T delivers the highest levels of control possible of docks, thistles, nettles, buttercups, dandelions and now ragwort.
It must only be used on fields grazed by cattle or sheep, or after the last cup of silage has been taken.
Forefront T is a “prescription-only” herbicide that can only be supplied on the recommendation of a BASIS-registered adviser.
Restrictions apply to the use of any manure generated from cattle or sheep fed pasture produced using Forefront T.
Weeds controlled : Docks, thistles, nettles, buttercups, dandelions and ragwort.
Rate : 2.0 l/ha in 200-300 lt of water*
Timing : The timing of application of Forefront T is crucial. See table below for details.
Treatment : Apply as an overall application.
Grass Safety : Very safe to grass.
Stock Exclusion : Grazing by cattle or sheep can start just 7 days after treatment or when the foilage of any poisonous weeds has died and become unpalatable, if longer.
Rainfastness : 1 hour.
Tank Mixing : NO NOT tank-mix with phenoxy herbicides e.g. MCPS, 2,-D
Other important information
There are a number of key points you need to be aware of. Please refer to the product label for full details.
Where to use
Forefront T must only be applied to established grassland intended for grazing by cattle or sheep in the calender year of application. Where silage, hay or haylage is produced from this area in the following calender year, it must stay on the farm.
Manure and slurry management
Any manure subsequently produced from animals fed on grass treated with Forefront T, or fodder resulting from grass treated with Forefront T, must stay on the farm. This manure must only be stread onto agricultural grassland.
Anti-foaming agent
Always use Forefront T in conjuction with an anti-foaming product.
Clover management
Clover will be killed by Forefront T. When weeds are dead and the plant remains have completely decayed, clover can be drilled into a treated sward after 4 months.
*Use the higher volume of water where weed populationds are high or the grass sward is dense.
Weed controlled Rate (l/ha) Optimum timing
Broad-leaved dock 2.0 Treat when docks are actively growing, in the rosette stage up to 25 cm high or wide
Curled dock 2.0 Treat when docks are actively growing, in the rosette stage up to 25 cm high or wide
Creeping thistle 2.0 Treat when thistles are actively growing, in the rosette stage up to 25 cm high
Spear thistle 2.0 Treat when thistles are actively growing, in the rosette stage up to 25 cm high
Common nettle 2.0 Treat when nettles are actively growing, up to 30 cm high
Creeping buttercup 2.0 Treat when buttercups are actively growing, before flowering
Dandelion 2.0 Treat when dandelions are actively growing., before flower bud
Ragwort 2.0 Treat when the ragwort is actively growing, in the rosette stage up to 20 cm high
Please contact the office on 053 9236256 for delivered prices.Â