
Leptavoid H is an injectable vaccine that protects beef and dairy cattle against both strains of leptospiia hardjo, Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (hardjo Prajitno) and L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo (hardjo Bovis). 

 Active Ingredient: Leptospira interrogans 

Target Species: Cattle 

Treats and Controls: Leptospiia hardjo, Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo (hardjo Prajitno) and L. borgpetersenii serovar hardjo (hardjo Bovis) 

Administration Method: Subcutaneous injection (under the skin) 

Withdrawal Time: There is no withdrawal time for this product 

Dosage for cattle:
2 ml per animal.
After the initial vaccination a second dose should be given no less than 4 weeks and no more than 6 weeks after. 

Body Weight  Dose Volume  Doses Per Pack 
20ml  50ml 
All Sizes  2ml  10  25 

Always read the label and all enclosed information for Leptavoid H before administering to animals! 

  •  Reasons to use: 
  • Is the only licensed vaccine that protects against both strains of leptospiia hardjo 
  • Is the only licensed vaccine that protects against L. interrogans hardjo. This infection is found in 76% of abortion and reduction of milk production 
  • Leptavoid H and Bovilis BVD are licensed for concurrent use. 
  • Zero withdrawal times 



  • injectable vaccine 
  • For use on both beef and dairy cattle 
  • Protects against both strains of leptospiia hardjo 

Available in 50ml


Only licensed for sale in the Republic Of Ireland