
MonoShield Calf AMC- Pre & Post Probiotic

MonoShield Calf AMC is a powerful probiotic that can support your calves gastrointestinal health and development.

MonoShield works to increase your calves’ good gut bacteria.

This can aid digestion and nutrient absorption, improving growth and weight gain.

It also increases the pH of your calves’ stomach, this can help prevent acidosis and bloat as well as creating a hostile environment for pathogenic bacteria like e-coli.

Key Benefits of feeding MonoShield Calf AMC

Support calf gut health. Acts as both a pre and pro biotic.

Can be fed with milk replacer or whole milk 20ML per calf a day

Increases the PH level in gut when fed once / day, reducing risk of acidosis and bloat.

Improves digestion and nutrient absorption.

Reduction in veterinary costs over life span of your calf.

Boost growth and weight gain at weaning stage.

Available in 10L