Due to growth and expansion, Buyrite Solutions welcomes our newly appointed Business Development Manager, Jack Finn to the team. Jack hails from Limerick and is very excited about getting stuck into his new role and meeting all our existing members. He has many years of BDM experience and will be a great asset to Buyrite Solutions.
What savings can I hope to make?
The level of savings you achieve depends on the level of business you do with us. The savings being achieved now vary between 5% and 30%. All prices quoted include VAT and delivery charges. Jack is happy to review your purchases and calculate how much buying with Buyrite Solutions can actually save your farm.
To those who are not members, Jack would love to speak with you to let you know of the discounts on our products that you can avail of. He is also happy to do up a price comparison for you.
What are the advantages of being a Buyrite Solutions member?
- Being part of a large purchasing group gives you as an individual farmer greater buying power, thus giving you access to better prices.
- An efficient way to manage your farms purchasing, invoice and payment accounting.
- Regular communication on what to buy in different seasons and the most financially efficient way to buy.
- Access to well informed Buyrite Solutions staff to advise on the best product and value to get the job done.
- Prices clearly told to you up front when ordering – no vagueness about the price of the product.
- Guaranteed competitive prices, beating market prices most of the time.
- You decide when and how much you purchase.
If you have any questions on joining Buyrite Solutions, Jack would love to speak with you. He can be contacted on 087 1778644 or email devmgr@buyritesolutions.ie
Welcome to the team Jack.