
Levafas Diamond fluke and worm drench for sheep and cattle is a broad spectrum anthelmintic.

This is used as an oral drench in the treatment and control of gastro-intestinal and pulmonary roundworm infections and adult liver fluke infections.

The active ingredient in Levafas Diamond is Levamisole hydrochloride.

Levamisole is highly effective in the treatment of mature and developing immature stages of a wide range of important roundworm species in sheep and cattle.

Active Ingredient: Levamisole hyrochloride, Oxyclozanide

Target Species: Cattle, sheep

Treats and Controls: Liver fluke, roundworms

Administration Method: Oral drench

Withdrawal Time: 28 days for cattle intended for meat and offal, not permitted for use on cattle producing milk for human consumption. 10 days for sheep intended for meat and offal, not permitted for use on sheep producing milk for human consumption.

Dosage for cattle: 12.5 ml per 50 kg of bodyweight

Dosage rates for cattle
Body Weight  Dose Volume  Number of full doses per pack:
1 Litre  2.5 Litre  4 Litre
50kg  12.5 ml  80  200  320
100kg  25.0 ml  40  100  160
150kg  37.5 ml  26  66  106
200kg  50.0 ml  20  50  80
250kg  62.5 ml  16  40  64
300kg  75.0 ml  13  33  53
350kg  87.5 ml  11  28  45
400kg  100 ml  10  25  40
450kg  112.5 ml  8  22  35
500kg  125.0 ml  8  20  32
550kg  137.5 ml  7  18  29
600kg  150.0 ml  6  16  26

Dosage for sheep: 2.5ml per 10kg Bodyweight

Dosage rates for sheep
Body Weight  Dose Volume  Number of full doses per pack:
1 Litre  2.5 Litre  4 Litre
10kg  2.5 ml  400  1000  1600
20kg  5.0 ml  200  500  800
30kg  7.5 ml  133  333  532
40kg  10.0 ml  100  250  400
50kg  12.5 ml  80  200  320
60kg  15.0 ml  66  166  264
70kg  17.5 ml  57  142  228

Always read the label and all enclosed information for Levafas Diamond before administering to animals!